Young Tigers Program
photo from Charleswood Karate
Sensei Ryan Porath presenting Dorion with his first certificate
The Young Tigers program was founded around 15 years ago at Charleswood Karate by Sensei Ryan Porath and Sensei Ron Porath. The classes run for 10 sessions, once a week for 45 minutes, and are for ages 4-6. The curriculum is a mixture of basic karate techniques, exercises, and games to hold the students attention as needed. The children earn certificates along the way for such achievements as listening/discipline, strength, technique, and effort. The first class will be Tuseday at 5:30pm, January 21, 2020. Cost is $200 which includes a gi (karate uniform), white belt, and certificates.
Many from this program continue on to the regular program to enjoy karate for years and further their skills which they began in the Young Tigers program.